I feel the sudden urge today to issue the following words of encouragement to someone(s) in eye and ear-shot of this message: Move forward with complete confidence today knowing that even if your decision turns out to be the wrong one, it’s still the right decision for you at this time.
Over the years I’ve learned that as we pray for guidance and wisdom to make the “right” choices and decisions we must also understand that some of the not-so-good results of our choices and decisions are creatively designed to build us up and make us better and stronger. Failure, setbacks and negative consequences are an absolute must along our life’s journey if we intend to grow and gather wisdom.
A great rule of thumb to help prevent a good number of the setbacks and disappointments is to be sure that you continue to read, listen and participate in things that are designed to better equip you for the adversity and struggles ahead. Simply put, our surrounding voices will determine our life choices, both good and not-so-good. So let’s be sure to continue in our self-education efforts and embrace the learning process and see the lessons in it all so as to avoid any repeat sessions.
So let’s all proceed with CONFIDENCE and make it GREAT!