So, I was between appointments tonight with a little time to spare and I thought it would be a great time for me and my baby-girl Chayse-Marie to drop-in to get a treat at one of our favorite smoothie shops Jamba Juice at the Marketplace in Bakersfield, California.
We quickly found a parking space and briskly crossed the lot headed toward the shop full of anticipation when I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my wallet. “Ughhh, Not Again!!!” I exclaimed. Then suddenly I realized that out of crisis comes OPPORTUNITY! 😉
“Chayse, I have some of my newly released books and CD’s in the truck and I can just grab one of them and sale it to someone out here in the courtyard. With this many people here, there’s bound to be some sucker, I mean some person who believes in Personal Development like we do.” I said jokingly. We both laughed and then headed back toward my truck to retrieve the goods.
After getting the goods I boldly went into the center of the courtyard then stood up on the center concrete planter-box and belted out, “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!!!” I then proceeded to share my story of desperation for a Jamba Juice treat for me and my daughter and my willingness to bless someone with my Best Selling book and bonus CD at a reduced price. Then it happened…
To my surprise, NO ONE even remotely seemed interested. I then walked the circle inviting the listeners to engage and invest in this heck-of-a-deal and great story, but still NO TAKERS. I then looked at Chayse and said, “You can’t expect everybody to ‘get it’ and be interested in what your doing, but you have to be bold and keep going.” She smiled back at me with a look of concern.
Then I looked up and saw a young couple with their two boys walking across the parking lot close to our direction. “AHA!!! Let’s go Chayse-Marie, let’s be BOLD!” I said. We approached the young family and gave them our spiel-of-speech and Eureka! They actually were interested in being a part of our story, but there was a catch. They didn’t have any cash… Ughhh…
But to our surprise and amazement, they then suggested we stroll over to Jamba Juice and they would purchase our treats in exchange for the book and CD. “You’ve got a deal.” I said, and off we went. We chatted a bit more and exchanged a few niceties as I sent them on their way with a freshly autographed book and a banging CD. Now we have a new family of friends Jake and Ashley Axt and their two handsome boys. If you see them around town, please give them a thumbs-up and warm smile. It’s people like them who make this “life” thing just a little bit more special.
So what does this mean for you? Well, it’s simple… I want to remind you that not everybody will understand what you’re doing or want to be a part of your cause or worthwhile story, but if you keep your enthusiasm and kill’em with your bright eyes and winning smile, it’s just a matter of time before someone(s) will step-in to your space and affirm you.
Me and Chayse set out for a treat tonight and ended up with so much more, not only a treat, but some new friends and a GREAT story to tell. I think once again little Chayse-Marie is a believer in the power of fighting through the “No’s” to get your “Yes”.
I’m not sure what your message is or what you’re doing but I encourage you NOT to miss your opportunities to master your moments and let those around you see you do it so they can realize that they can too. Let’s continue to Make it GREAT!!!
Oh… And always Ok to share if you dare…