Ok, I have a special word for all of you who dare to compete in this “Life” thing. When you can honestly say you’ve given it your absolute BEST efforts in any sport, there’s no scoreboard in the whole-wide-world that can ever make you a loser.
It should NOT come as a surprise that this is also true in life. So for those of you who toil and labor and work hard to squeeze the juice out of your efforts and potential in any area of life, hold your head high with confidence and a satisfaction in knowing that you are one of the fearless few who managed to get the BEST out of “You” and there’s no more that you can do.
Simply put: Do your absolute BEST and let God do the rest. So to all of you grinders I’d like to give you a hardy CONGRATULATIONS in advance for your inevitable victory. Keep Making it GREAT!!!
Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com