Ever heard the phrase, “If you can’t beat’em, join’em”? Well, when you’re on a mission to model kindness, compassion and generosity in a world full of evil, cruelty and greed, the last thing you want to ever consider doing is “joining’em”.
That’s right my friends, on our journey through this thing called “life”, the only way evil can thrive and grow is if we as “good” men and women join the other team or standby idle with our arms folded and do nothing but call names and complain.
Well to this I emphatically say, “Not us!!!” We will stand firm in the face of those who perpetuate and perpetrate evil and negativity and make our proclamation and bold statement of, “We will NOT back down from our duty to be the change that we want to see in this world of ours.”
We understand clearly that it is our words and actions that create our world and define our passions. NO, we will NEVER “join’em”. We will stay the course on our unpopular journey to “beat’em” for we know that in the end we cannot lose for the one who has created us all has given us unfair favor and made his face to shine upon us!
So I boldly encourage you on this glorious day to stay the course, Stay The Course, STAY THE COURSE!!! And, Make it GREAT!!!
Please allow me to “high-five” and Congratulate you in advance for your inevitable victory. SMACK!!! 🙂