Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Finding yourself wanting to text people more than talking to them lately? Well, you’re not alone. I’ll be the first to admit that I have to intentionally stop myself from texting and dial a number so that I can actually engage in a verbal conversation with people.

I swear that this new technology stuff is making me lazy in the physical socialization category. So I’m fighting to hold on to my old southern chivalrous qualities that I once held dear.

I would still much rather hear your voice than to read your text. I would much rather hug your neck than to shake your hand. Let’s walk to the park and have a home-cooked meal instead of drive to the corner to get a big bag through a small window. Let’s talk as strangers in a waiting room rather than go blind staring at our “Smart”-phones that are probably making us “Dumb” and uninviting to others.

Yes my friends these simple things can definitely help us to stay connected with each other in a world that’s trying to rip us socially apart. Now, don’t get me wrong, new advances in technology are becoming more and more awesome but meaningful relationships can and should be maintained and sustained outside of electronic mediums in a World-Wide-Wacky-Wild-Web.

So, I encourage you NOT to fall for the “Okie-Doke-Joke” of technological progress. Stay ever-so-loyal to the meaningful interactions of the “real” world and you just might find yourself Making it GREAT!



Hey guys and gals I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that we only get one time at this “Life” thing so let’s not just try to make it “Good”, let’s Make it absolutely GREAT!

From this day forward you now have unbridled permission to live like you’ve had a near-death experience. Use your good dishes. Sit on your fancy furniture. Go on that exotic trip you’ve been dreaming about. Start that non-profit you’ve been talking about. Run that marathon, etc, etc, etc… Sure some of this may cost you some money but money can be regained, however, the passing of time will always remain.

Yep that’s right my friends, we can make more money but we can never make more time. So make plans to Make it GREAT while you still can!


On this day at approximately this exact time 21 years ago I met this gal named Karen Ice in a night club on the Las Vegas Strip next to the Fat Burger and MGM Hotel.

She was a California PK (Preachers Kid) who’s eyes were as Ice-Blue as her last name and I was a good-ole’-fashioned 8-day-a-week church-going, Southern Pentecostal boy from Dallas, Texas. We had both been told that we would never find “the marrying type” in a club. Well, I’m glad we didn’t let that stop us from looking, LOL.

Truth be told, we weren’t actually looking at the time but as fate would have it, we stumbled into each other and are still here today disproving the old myth of “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. A happenstance-chance-meeting I think not. God was actually up to something in that night club of all places, LOL…

Yes we happened in Vegas but didn’t stay. A good, clean, old-fashioned gal made an honest man out of me and I’ve been smiling every since. This gal is not only good “to me” but she’s also good “for me” and I’m not sure where I’d be or what I’d be without her.

Thanks Karen for NOT believing the lie of where you wouldn’t find the right guy. 😉

I just had to share……..
May 28th, 1994 @ approx. 10:15 pm (PST), the date of a match made in Heaven.


Having pride in oneself is a process that should always be a work-in-progress.

Yes my friends, when it comes to our own “pride” we can never arrive. We have to stay in a constant positive flow reminding ourselves of our value and worth because the world is littered with those who appear to be hardwired to create a frown and bring us down.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of invisible, “Happy-Medium Zone” in life or something and anytime someone is too far below it, people respond by pulling them up with a kind or encouraging word or two. But, anytime we’re flying too far above it people turn into so-called “Haters” and “Crab-Grabbers” and spew-out words and engage in actions that are designed to hurt others and pull them back down to the “Happy-Medium Zone”.

Yes my friends there appears to be no shortage of would-be joy-stealers that are quick to steal peoples thunder and assault them with the lightening of a fiery word or two in an attempt to bring them back “down-to-earth” to the “Happy-Medium Zone”.

Well, I for one would like to go on record and state that I will never be comfortable with being a part of the “Happy-Medium Zone” and neither should you. I encourage you today to never just settle for a satisfactory compromise of a mediocre existence and lackluster life to appease the masses. Continue to flex your confidence muscles and think highly of yourself no matter what and know that you’re worth much more than just some-ole’ “Happy-Medium”.

You mean much more than just the world to somebody out there and don’t you ever forget it! Yes your value and worth is off-the-charts my friend and I LOVE IT!!!



On this day of remembrance something tells me that those who paid the ultimate price with their life for our flag of freedom would rest a little easier knowing that others who have said “Yes” to fight as they did will be treated like hero’s in our own land.

So we must answer the call civilians one and all to help them stand tall in honor of those who took the ultimate fall.

So let’s honor the living soldiers with pride while remembering those who died. Let’s Make’em feel GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book