Excitement is Building!!! The Crew is FIRED UP and ready for you!!!
“P.I.E. in the Sky” is going to be a BLAST!!!
Get those last minute advance tickets NOW @: www.TheInspirationStore.com
Excitement is Building!!! The Crew is FIRED UP and ready for you!!!
“P.I.E. in the Sky” is going to be a BLAST!!!
Get those last minute advance tickets NOW @: www.TheInspirationStore.com
Contrary to popular opinion sometimes the grass is actually greener on the other side of the fence, but when you finally get over there to take a closer look you just might find that it’s actually Crabgrass. So don’t be so easily duped into thinking that things are better over “there” rather than over “here” because things aren’t always what they seem.
Always remember that wherever you go, there you are and things will never really change for you until “You” change. So you may want to consider playing an active role in developing a better “green thumb” and maintaining and sustaining the lawn you already have. Then, don’t be surprised if you find yourself Making it GREAT! 😉
Make it an AWESOME week and don’t forget to purchase your tickets to my “P.I.E. in the Sky” variety-show event scheduled for 6:30pm next Monday evening June 30th at the Double Tree Hotel right here in Bakersfield, CA: www.TheInspiratonStore.com. The experience just might change your life.
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
If we’re doing daily what we don’t like doing primarily just to make money so that we can continue doing daily that which we don’t like doing, many people might think that our actions might seem a bit foolish. And furthermore, the notion of encouraging our kids to follow in our footsteps and do the same thing may seem even more foolish, but the surprising fact is that many people engage in this activity every day and may not even really know they’re doing it. To that end, the only question that really matters then is, “What are you doing daily and why are you doing it?” Hmmm…
I invite you to consider that it might not be very smart to spend the overwhelming majority of our life financing our existence by doing something we don’t like and then compounding on the problem by encouraging our kids to do the same. This action can not only cause a high level of undue stress in us, it also can put a huge strain on our marriage and relationships. I’ve discovered first-hand that life’s iron-clad guarantee is that if we make an effort to do what we love and what makes us come alive, then we will absolutely love what we do and our life will be filled with much more genuine joy, masterful meaning and impactful purpose.
So, I encourage you today to be the exception and follow your passion and do what you love and was designed to do by your Creator and commit to become your best at it in service to others. Do this and you’ll soon find that your needs and wants will start to be provided for in a big way. I’m proof positive that this system works if you stick with it long enough.
So exactly how many push-ups can you do in a day?
Push-ups are one of my favorite activities to engage in on a daily basis. Some days I only manage to do 3 or 4 and some days I manage to do 3 or 4 thousand.
Now I know what you may be thinking, but these types of push-ups have absolutely nothing to do with P90-X, Crossfit or the gym. These types of push-ups have to do with pushing people up and encouraging, inspiring, motivating and empowering and equipping them to be better and do better today than they did yesterday.
As an author, Peak Performance Specialist and Motivational Speaker almost everything I do and create has to do with the intentions of pushing people up. But the simple truth is you don’t have to be an Author or Motivational Speaker to engage in the daily activity of pushing people up and encouraging them. Yes my friends, push-ups are so simple that even the biggest of Average Jane’s or Joe’s can still manage to do one or two a day.
So, exactly how many push-ups are you doing a day? Are you intentional about giving a few sincere compliments away? Are you looking for opportunities to lend an ear so that you can spread a little cheer? Are you giving that smile of yours away to brighten someone else’s day? Are the words “Please”, “Thank You”, “I’m Sorry” and “I Forgive You” part of your daily vocabulary? Hmmm… No need to answer these questions out loud, just make us proud and stand out from the crowd.
Pushing others up just might help you to go up too. So let’s keep doing our daily push-ups so we can go up and Make it GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
In my dreams I have super-hero-type abilities that require very little effort. I can run and not grow weary, I’m impervious to injury and pain and I can fly high in the sky if I flap my arms and really try.
But when I open my eyes back to the real world, I immediately am reminded that accomplishing things on this side of our consciousness will require a real consistent amount of effort.
Yes that’s right my friends, one of the first most important steps to accomplishing things and big dreams in this very real life is to wake up and realize that nothing great ever manifest in the absence of consistent, diligent effort. Yep, we have to be wide awake to Make it GREAT! So, WAKE-UP so we can Go UP!
Let’s Make it GREAT!