Over the years I’ve uncovered and discovered that one of the most destructive lies ever told this side of the universe is the one that many people tell themselves to justify their living small and accepting a life of average and mediocrity.
In my profession I’ve had the rare privilege of speaking to hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years who are trying to traverse the obstacle course of life and you’d be surprised to hear some of the excuses I’ve heard in an attempt to justify a position of not pushing to give more, be more, do more and see more.
After hearing such comments I usually respond with a casual smile followed by a non-threatening invitation for them to consider what “could be” possible for their lives and the lives of others around them if they were just willing to simply put forth a little more consistent effort over time.
The surprising thing that I just can’t ever seem to understand is those who feel the need to argue to protect their mediocre mindset of thinking small and vehemently protest any attempt to change their limited position for the better. Hmmm…
I may be a bit disillusioned in saying this, but I feel compelled to say it anyway, so here goes… I honestly believe that those who truly feel the need to argue for their limitations should get to keep them all to themselves.
Simply put… A life of living small was never printed in the strands of our DNA by our creator, so don’t believe the lie. This is no doubt an adopted trait and notion that should be eradicated and completely illuminated from our psyche and society so as to prevent from scarring the coming generations. A life of living small and within oneself serves no one, including ourselves.
Please don’t plot to kill the messenger today.
My prayer is that you won’t let this be you. We will choose to model the appropriate behavior for the future generations.
Reach, grow, expand, uplift, empower, encourage, and use your gifts. Commit to always be willing to push to Make it GREAT whatever “it” is for you. Besides “Average” and “Mediocrity” is grossly overrated.
So let’s make this life so GREAT that we won’t see a need to ask for a shot at another one. 