Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I don’t read much for entertainment purposes, I read for enter-brainment purposes.  Yes, that’s right folks I just made up my own word “enter-brainment”.  Feel free to not only use this word, but also adopt the philosophy of reading to increase your knowledge and skills on a regular basis.

Becoming that leader that others want to enthusiastically follow or becoming that person who has a consistently positive influence on others doesn’t happen by accident, it happens with the greatest of intentional acts and reading is one of them.

So pick up an exceptional personal development or self-help book or two or ten and start turning some pages with an intent to read between the lines and you may be surprised at what you’ll find.  My bestselling book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” is surely one you might want to consider adding to your list.

Purchase your book-copy online today at and receive a FREE copy of one of my most popular impactful audio CD’s that’s packed with incredible music and content that’s sure to get you on your way to Making it GREAT!

This offer is only for now through this weekend so don’t wait to start Making it GREAT!  You’ll be glad you did.  🙂

Click here to see what others are saying about the book and order your copy NOW.  Make it GREAT:


I got a small tip for you today that may take you a long way so don’t miss it, Ok?

If someone tells you that you can’t do something, call up your manufacturer and maker and get a second opinion.  In fact, His opinion should be the only one that counts because he knows exactly what you were created for.

Yes, believe it or not you were created to do Great things in spite of what the critics and cynics say.  So get your creator and manufacturer on the phone and you’re soon to find that He makes no defects and recalls are never necessary.

Yes indeed, you were magnificently made second-to-none and specifically designed to do something special.

So let’s not just go make that special thing “good”, let’s go Make it GREAT!   😉


The creator of this Great universe of ours also created some Great laws to go with it and those who know and understand and follow those laws are destined to reap their benefits.  And, at the end of the day we can’t plead ignorance because as they say, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Yes that is absolutely correct friends, for it is nobody’s job but ours to seek out and develop an understanding of how the laws work.

So simply put, you’re only one book away from making it GREAT.  So, you may want to make it the “Good Book”.  🙂

Chew on this breadcrumb of wisdom a bit, then get-on out there and follow some laws and Make it GREAT!



At the end of your life journey the simple question will be asked, “You traveled through, but what did you do?”  Think about how you will answer that question and decide now if your actions today need to be altered to make a better tomorrow.

I encourage you today not to be so quick to follow the herd because the herd just might end up running you off a cliff and landing you in a pool of “Average”.  Don’t be afraid to be a little different than the “Average Joe” as it relates to your daily disciplines.  After all, nothing great or significant ever comes from “Average”.

Yes my friends we have to rise above and commit to do things a little bit different than the “Average” person so that our answer to that question, “You traveled through, but what did you do?” will be, “I made this world just a little bit better to live in.”  Let’s Make it GREAT!


A little unsolicited advice and word to the wise today for those of you who may find yourself in mutual verbal combat with a stubborn opposition to change.

Arguing with such people is like running on a treadmill, you get all hot and sweaty and when you’re all done you realize you got nowhere.  The quicker you’re able to agree to disagree with the stubborn, closed-minded the less undue stress you have to endure.

Sometimes some people may think they know but they truly don’t know that they don’t know and they really need to know.  Simply put, those who are walking in darkness but don’t know they’re walking in darkness will never seek the light.  All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put the life of the unwilling back together again.

So, jump off that treadmill and move on over to those who are willing and open to change and let’s continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book