Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The most surefire indicator of a persons priorities in life is their actions or lack-there-of.  So at the end of the day, what you do or don’t do will ultimately tell the world about you and what’s most important to you.

Yes it’s true that your actions speak much louder than any words you could ever speak.  So pay careful attention to what you say because your actions or inactions just might end up making you look a bit foolish to others who’re expecting you to actually do what you say.

I’m sure we all have that person or persons in our life that is a professional at telling others what they’re “going to do”.  Some of these people may even be our closest friends or share our last name.

I encourage you today to let their incongruent way of life be your lesson.  Don’t be found guilty of letting your mouth write checks that your actions can’t cash.  Make an honest effort to say what you’ll do, then do what you say or just shut up and move out the way.

This is a breadcrumb of wisdom that’s sure to help you to be the exception and continue to make it GREAT!  So eat up and go up and Make it GREAT!


All of us are responsible for where we’re at in this moment of our lives but usually the ones who are experiencing success and prosperity are the ones who don’t have a problem admitting it.

Yes that’s right folks our past experiences, good or bad, shouldn’t be allowed to bully us into a life of blaming others for our current state with a “Whoa is me” mentality of self-pity.  This convenient excuse may work for a short while for some, but eventually the world will scream a collective shout for you to “GET OVER IT!!!

The one thing that we all have in common across the board is baggage, some good and some not-so-good and where we’re at today in our lives is as a direct result of how we chose and are choosing to deal with our baggage.

The good news is that if we don’t like where we’re at today we can always start the process of changing it for a better tomorrow.  Yes that’s right it’s never too late to start making it GREAT!

So make a choice to take back control of your future of tomorrow by taking some action today.  Don’t leave the best part of yourself on the table of life because of some past unfortunate event.  Make a commitment to start reading some Great books, participating in some Great events, listening to some Great stuff and hanging out with some Great people and I’m confident that soon you’ll find that this is the undeniable key to Making it GREAT!


Just as the body builder who wants to be bigger and stronger has to increase his reps and weight, so too does the person who wants to be stronger and wiser have to seek wisdom and endure hardships and adversity.

Yes that’s right friends, for us to ‘be better’ and ‘do better’ we must ‘know better’ and the only way we can know better is if we’re not afraid to challenge ourselves and step outside of our comfort zones.

Comfort and predictability breed mediocrity and complacency.  So if we really want to be better and wiser we must commit to stay uncomfortable and be okay with unpredictable situations and circumstances.

Simply put, overcoming challenges leads to growth and during the process we gain wisdom.  This is a philosophy that I live by.  Anytime I feel a bit stuck or stagnant, I start to seek out new challenges and uncomfortable situations.

So I say to you today my friends, stay uncomfortable as you traverse this life and you’re sure to get a few steps closer to Making it GREAT!


I was chatting with my good friend Caren a few days ago and after asking her how she was doing, her response was, “I’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’…”  Naturally this statement caught me off guard so I then asked for a bit of clarification and she said, “I’ve finally decided to give myself permission to be myself again.”

You see, Caren is just emerging on the other side of a recent struggle that almost convinced her to take herself out of the game of life.  She stated that life’s mounting problems in concert with prescribed medications was a cocktail combination for disaster that was leading her down a road of quiet desperation and possible self-destruction.

The constant subtle pressure to be someone she wasn’t coupled with a classic case of treating the symptoms and not the problems in her life and health was setting her up to be claimed as yet another victim of depression.  And, the worst part was that she didn’t even see it coming.

As weird as it may sound, I can’t say that I was surprised by her story.  You see, as it relates to depression, so often is the case where we become the most vulnerable is when we think that it can’t happen to us, and Caren was no exception.  “I never thought I could ever make it to a point of such extreme in my life, but thank God for good friends who show up at the right time,” she says.  As it turns out, this friend wasn’t afraid to be nosey and get involved and it ultimately saved her life.

Yes Caren is one of the fortunate few that managed to escape and is now completely okay with telling her story of survival.  When asked how would she advise others who are going through the fire of life with similar challenges, she said, “Even the most level-headed person in the world is not immune to the death-grip of depression and medication.  So listen to your friends if they’re recognizing signs and changes in your behavior that you may not be aware of and get proper helpI’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’ and I’ll be careful not to let this happen to me again in the future.

Well said Caren…  I’m not sure where her road of life will take her, but being on the right path makes the size of her steps obsolete.  Just keep-on moving forward.

I invite you all to take heed to this unsolicited advice and just keep-on moving forward on your path to Making this ‘good’ life GREAT!



A life without struggle and pain is a life void of growth and gain.  So, count it all joy and remember as you’re going through that you’re actually “going through” and you’re destined to eventually reach the other side to usher-in the new and improved “you” with a BIG smile.  So keep-on moving.

I tried to keep it short and sweet today before you start on your way in an attempt to make your week GREAT!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book