I was driving to an appointment not long ago and happen to notice that the personalized license plate on the vehicle next to me had the word, “ALLDUNN” on it. My first thought was that the owner of the vehicle was going to be someone with a lot of silver hair and the word “ALLDUNN” was just a creative way of saying, “I’m Retired”.
Initially, I had the mind to just let it go but as usual curiosity once again got the best of me. I increased my speed just a bit and moved up along side of the vehicle and glanced over to take a peek, and to no surprise, I was right. There sat a little silver haired grandma with her seat dangerously close to the airbag, eyes straight ahead and both hands at 10-and-2 on the steering wheel. I couldn’t help but to let out a little audible chuckle.
Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that this event got me to thinking. Is retirement the goal for us? Is being “ALLDUNN” a noble dream for the masses? This may be true for some, but I would argue that the day we stop living and contributing to something greater than ourselves is the day we start dying.
Studies show that people who live their lives actively involved in things that inspire them not only live a happier life, but also a longer life. Sure, death will eventually come for us all, but let it find us climbing yet another mountain and pursuing yet another goal that will make a difference and leave a positive mark on this world.
So for those of you who’re headed for retirement or already in retirement, consider the following. It’s Ok to retire from one activity, but you may want to pick up something else that allows you to live out a life of purpose for the continued betterment of others.
Let’s all stay in a “forward” motion and commit to never being “ALLDUNN”. The world needs us now more than ever before. So don’t let’em down. Not today. Let’s continue to make it GREAT!