Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Look into my eyes so I can determine your level of belief today.

Do you Believe you’re capable doing great and significant things?
Do you Believe you’re designed to endure struggle and hardships?
Do you Believe you’re built to overcome fear and adversity?
Do you Believe that your level of Belief determines what’s possible?
Do you Believe that it’s your time to shine?

Believe you can or Believe you can’t, either way you’re exactly right.


Got a big dream?  Well, I do and if you’re in the “dreaming” business like me you might as well dream BIG because a small dream coming true might leave you feeling like you missed out. 

I truly believe that our biggest goals and dreams should be so big that in order to achieve them we would have to have a silent partner with deep pockets that’s capable of miracles and believes nothings impossible.

I can personally say as it relates to my biggest goals and dreams in this life, my very existence and ultimate success hinges and directly depends on the extraordinary actions and contributions and favors of my silent partner, and to Him I say “Thank You”.  Thank you in advance for all that you’re doing and going to do to make my vision an enormous reality.  Thank you for the ability to use the abilities that you’ve given me.  To Him I say thank you for keeping my path and goal crystal clear in a world full of noise, toys, fog and smog.  Thanks for slowing me down when I’m going too fast and speeding me up when I’m going too slow.  And most importantly, to Him I say thank you for being my friend in spite of my faults, fallacies, habits and hang-ups, your grace and mercy and patience is greatly appreciated.   I sure hope He reads this post today.     🙂

My one sincere request of my silent partner today is that He will help you to supersize your goals and dreams too and do something BIG for our hurting humanity.  It’s never too early and never too late to set some big goals and dreams and make it GREAT!

Got a BIG DREAM?  Need a silent partner?  Just seek and you shall find.”

My book is waiting to inspire you so pre-order today and take advantage of all the FREE bonuses @:



I was driving to an appointment not long ago and happen to notice that the personalized license plate on the vehicle next to me had the word, “ALLDUNN” on it. My first thought was that the owner of the vehicle was going to be someone with a lot of silver hair and the word “ALLDUNN” was just a creative way of saying, “I’m Retired”.

Initially, I had the mind to just let it go but as usual curiosity once again got the best of me.  I increased my speed just a bit and moved up along side of the vehicle and glanced over to take a peek, and to no surprise, I was right. There sat a little silver haired grandma with her seat dangerously close to the airbag, eyes straight ahead and both hands at 10-and-2 on the steering wheel.  I couldn’t help but to let out a little audible chuckle.

Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that this event got me to thinking.  Is retirement the goal for us?  Is being “ALLDUNN” a noble dream for the masses?  This may be true for some, but I would argue that the day we stop living and contributing to something greater than ourselves is the day we start dying.

Studies show that people who live their lives actively involved in things that inspire them not only live a happier life, but also a longer life.  Sure, death will eventually come for us all, but let it find us climbing yet another mountain and pursuing yet another goal that will make a difference and leave a positive mark on this world. 

So for those of you who’re headed for retirement or already in retirement, consider the following.  It’s Ok to retire from one activity, but you may want to pick up something else that allows you to live out a life of purpose for the continued betterment of others.

Let’s all stay in a “forward” motion and commit to never being “ALLDUNN”.  The world needs us now more than ever before.  So don’t let’em down.  Not today.  Let’s continue to make it GREAT!



Well, what can I say, I was bored so I thought I’d create a sign just to make you laugh this weekend.

Let’s make this weekend sooooo Awesome that last weekend gets insanely jealous and files a frivilous lawsuit.  🙂

My book awaits your order today:


I consider myself as a person that likes to be nice and welcoming to everyone I meet.  I especially like for others to feel welcome in my home but the only visitors that are not welcome back into my home is the visitor of my past mistakes.  You see I’ve learned over the years that our mistakes will continue to visit and revisit us unannounced time and time again until we learn the lessons in them.

Yes my friends, there’s usually a lesson in every mistake and if the lessons not learned, the mistake will continue to ring your doorbell.  So I caution you today to not fall victim to allowing the unwanted guest of your past mistakes to return to your doorstep repeatedly.  Learn those lessons fast and save yourself from some undue stress and frustration and heartache.  Let’s tell those mistakes, “YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HEAR ANYMORE!!!  I’VE ALREADY LEARNED MY LESSON!!!”  Then slam the door shut and move on to the next one. 

I’ve found that an even smarter thing to do is to pick up a CD or good book on a regular basis and learn from some of the mistakes that others have made before us.  Experience may be the best teacher but I’d rather learn from someone else’s mistakes and experiences whenever possible.

Let’s learn our lessons fast and continue to make it GREAT


Feel free to learn from some of my mistakes by getting my book: 


“Make it GREAT”

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book