Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The 4-Step “P.I.E.” Process that leads you to making your impact on this Hurting Humanity.

On the ladder of success in this “life” thing, you can’t skip the rungs.

Ok to tell a friend to help them Win… 🙂


I’ve searched the world-over trying to find an exception to this rule, but none have been found. These are the undisputed 4 Principles that have to exist to make it Great in ANY space…

What’s Focused on Most Develops in the Host… 😉


I asked my Bride what should be my nugget today on my Facebook Live at 12:05p and she said, “I Love it when a PLAN comes together”.

But, in order for a “Plan” to come together you must 1st have this one thing firmly in place…

Create your Plan, Follow your Plan, Work your Plan and above all else, expect for things NOT to go quite as… ??????

Happy Cinco De Mayo NOT Cinco De Drinko!!! LOL

Ok to tell a friend or next-of-kin to help them Win… 😉


How do I start a New Beginning after a littered past of “Bad” choices? Let me explain…

Contrary to popular opinion, Life is actually a race. It’s a Ultra-Marathon that starts with an AMAZING sprint. Let me explain…

Ok to tell a friend of next-of-kin to help them Win. 😉


The Waters NOT as deep as you think it is my friend. So stop flopping & flailing and just STAND UP!!!

Are you Celebrated in your space or just Tolerated? Let me explain…

How do you make others “feel” when they see or think of you?

What’s your “Come From” place? Is it important to have a good one?

Ok to tell a friend or next of kin…

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book