The Hidden Blessing in NOT being in a Hurry
I was finishing up my men’s monthly motivational meeting with some of my friends today at Marie Calendars and as I was headed to my truck I passed a homeless guy sitting by the trash can near the front entrance. As I got several steps past him, I suddenly heard him call out to me, “Excuse me Sir… Sir! Sir!!!”
Yes I did hear him calling to me however I didn’t want him to know that I heard him so I just kept walking. Once I got to my truck I started thinking about how rude I was to not acknowledge or engage him like I normally do with others. So, I got out of my truck and walked back over to him.
He immediately perked up and started to chat with me. “How is your day going?” I asked. “Oh, I’ve definitely seen better.” He said with a smile. Andrew is his name, but most people just call him “Tex” because he’s from Austin, Texas. We chatted for about an hour about his past, his present and his future possibilities. Then it happened…
I grabbed a few of my “FaithSeeds” and “DreamSeeds” (www.MyDreamSeeds.com) from my truck and gave them to him with the instructions to keep one for himself and to give the rest away. As I was reading the cards to him, I looked up and he was crying. “Why are you crying?” I asked. And after a long pause he muttered the words, “God sent you to me today… I’ve been so mad at my ex-wife, myself and the world that I wanted to just kill a bunch of people and die… But then you came along and gave me hope today…”
I was so dumbfounded that you could’ve knocked me over with a feather. So, I just stood there for a few seconds shocked and in disbelief. I was not in shock of what he was saying so much as I was in shock at me almost missing the chance to be the face and voice of kindness and compassion that he needed to see.
We chatted a bit more about the days ahead and parted ways with a plan of action, but not before we embraced each other like we were best friends.
I can’t pretend to know what the future holds for my new friend Andrew, but I do know who holds the future and He is also the one who orchestrated today’s events.
So, to be continued…
In the meantime, please don’t miss your opportunity to be the hands, feet and positive mouth-piece of kindness and compassion in action. You never know, it just might save a life or two. 🙂
It’s fair to say that it was definitely a Great day of pulling weeds and planting seeds. Hahahaha… 😉
Let’s Make it GREAT!!!