I was hanging out last night with some of my group-home boys that I have had the privilege of mentoring twice a week over the past six years and I noticed one of them was eating a peach.
As he went to throw the seed away I quickly yelled for him to bring it over to me. He stopped suddenly then looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. “Are you going to plant it?” He asked… “Nope.” I said as he handed it over.
“Well, what are you going to do with it then?” He asked. “I’m going to use it as a Prop for a metaphor…” I said. Then he replied, “WHATTTT !!!”
I then simply explained to him that the seed of that which we are all designed to be is already planted inside of us and that I wanted to remind people of this forgotten fact.
That’s right my friends the elaborate blueprint instructions for all that we are designed to be is already lodged inside of you and me. We just have to realize it’s there and then take good care of it so we can grow it to the level of excellence it’s capable of achieving.
So, I encourage you to find your seed and give it the special attention it deserves and it will reward you handsomely for your consistent efforts in the coming days no doubt.
My Little Grass Hopper struggled with this one a bit last night, but I assured him that he’d eventually grasp the concept in due time… 😉 So, for him it’s “To Be Continued…” Hahahaha…
I’ll keep you posted…
But until then, let’s Make it GREAT Young Grass Hoppers!!!