A special event happened this morning,
So, I created this photo to give you a WARNING.
Today I saw a little toddler walking while playing on Mommy’s cell phone. He tripped and fell forward and bumped his face on the ground. Mommy rushed to his aid scooping him up with one arm and picking up the phone with the other.
No tears were shed after the fall until the toddler realized that Mommy had put the phone away, then the loud sobbing and screams could be heard for miles. Mommy quickly retrieved the phone and gave it back to him and the tear streams and loud screams suddenly stopped as his eyes went back to the little screen.
After baring witness to this I couldn’t help but to scratch my head and say “Hmmm…”
It’s amazing how much our lives are being invaded, persuaded and even jaded by our little electronic devices.
The ironic, harsh reality is that in a world full of connectivity it appears that we are becoming more and more disconnected as ever before. It appears that our personal devices are becoming more and more personally divisive.
Our world wide web is starting to entangle us in a web that’s world-wide and our internet has become the portal and gateway to enter-the-net. Some may call us victims of progress and others may call it technological digress but whatever we choose to call it, it’s NOT looking good for our social health and authentic relationship connectivity in the near future.
To this I say, don’t let it be you. Let’s choose to divorce ourselves from using technology as a constant substitute for human interaction and re-marry ourselves to the concept of genuine relationships and face-to-face interaction. Electronic devices are great but so much more is at stake to Make it GREAT!
Electronic moderation just might save our hurting nation. That’s ONLY if we want to Make it GREAT!!! 😉
And of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉
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My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
My Store: TheInspirationStore.com