Wal-Mart parking lots are not only always full of cars, they’re also full of opportunities. “Opportunities for what?” you may ask. Well, opportunities to make someone’s day with a kind comment or kind gesture. Let me explain…
While walking to my car today I noticed an older Hispanic gentleman offering to wash windshields for a little spare change. Upon seeing this I went out of my way to get his attention. As I approached him I greeted him with a hearty hello and hand shake. I then reached in my pocket and gave him a crisp ten dollar bill.
“Do you know why I’m giving you this money?” I asked. “Yes, it’s because you’re a good Christian.” he said. I smiled at him and said, “No… I’m a Christian, but that’s NOT why I gave you this money.” He then looked at me with a puzzled look of confusion.
“Although I don’t need my windshield washed, I gave you this money because I want to support what you’re doing. Even though you may be in a struggle phase of your life right now, you don’t have your hand out asking for something for nothing.” I said. He beamed a toothless smile at me and offered his words of sincere thanks and said that he’s a worker that’s just looking for a hand-up and NOT a handout. We chatted a few more meaningful minutes then parted ways wishing each other well.
No, I didn’t walk away with cleaner windows today but I did walk away with a cleaner feeling of making someone smile. Yes my new friend Louie had a little more bounce in his step, zip in his hips and slide in his glide as he moved on through the parking lot looking for his next client. “GO GETT’EM LOUIE !!!” I yelled with a hardy laugh. 😉
This event reminded me that despite our situations and circumstance we can still do something that can enhance the lives of others. Yes my friends, in the game of life the doorway of value-added service swings both ways. Today Louie got a boost and a smile with a ten dollar bill and I got a boost and a smile with a much better feel. LOL
So a great question for you to ponder as you head into another wonderful, well-deserved weekend is, “Are you cashing-in on your opportunities to make someone else’s day Great?” Hmmm… No need to answer this question hear just make sure your intentions are crystal clear and have no fear as you roll through the rest of your year. Let’s keep Making it GREAT!!!
My Book: MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
My Store: TheInspirationStore.com