Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

You can pick your cars but you can’t pick your kids.  Good or bad, happy or sad, mad or glad, your kids will always be your kids.   Out of all those who complain about some of the members of their family, I’m not one of them.  I actually feel that I’ve been dealt a pretty good hand.  This little rag-tag team is full of personality and no two are alike, but they do have at least one thing in common,  they’re all dreamers. 

My assistant coach, Karen, is award-winning when it comes to keeping this team on task, including me.  After 18 years of being together, she still has not lost her fire and drive for making herself better in every way.  I’m pleased to say that I’m still her biggest fan.  Apart from each other we would struggle, but together we can’t be beat.  We have a habit of enjoying the moment because tomorrow is never promised and as adversity rears its’ ugly head, we prepare to dig in to overcome and become even stronger on the other side. 

Yes our team is indeed a force to be reckoned with and we continue to steamroll ahead as we fight to maintain our battered and scarred but still undefeated record.  Together we can not and will not lose.  Come what may for the day we are committed to remain a team and each player knows their roll and are getting better and better at living it out.  A well oiled machine we are with an occasional hiccup that resolves quickly like most great teams do.  We are committed to continue to bring our best to the table because it’s then and only then that the scoreboard becomes obsolete.

I challenge you today to make sure that your team is not just on the same page but also reading from the same book.  Formulate a game plan in advance so that steps for overcoming challenges and adversity will be already in place.  Also regular team meetings conducted at the dinner table to vent frustrations and concerns appear to prevent a lot of undue heartache, stress and strife.  Picking the right battles and not sweating the small stuff can make a BIG difference too.  And, always remember to never ever forget that we only get one time through this “life” thing and we don’t wont to experience “death by rules”.  Too many rules can squeeze the life out of life, so LIVE OUT LOUD!

Finally, don’t forget to have some pure, unscheduled, random, spontaneous, senseless, unadulterated, legal and ethical FUN!  We can all be more intentional about making this good life, GREAT, so let’s whip that team into shape and  Make it GREAT!


Don’t be “Too Busy” to read this Post today:

My observation of my group-home boys has afforded me the ability to witness first-hand the power of Association.  Each one of the boys entered the group-home system at no fault of their own and before entry each one of them could’ve been defined as “decent” kids.  But after entering the system they were exposed to the consistent, negative behaviors of the group and overtime they too have slowly assimilated and adopted the same negative behaviors.

This comes as no surprise to me because the Law of Association is an enormously powerful law that affects all of us.  The good news is that this law can also be leveraged for “Positive behavior” too.  A boy that grows up in the absence of an adult, positive male role-model in his life will have a dramatically increased chance of becoming the common denominator of his surrounding environment, good or bad.  But a boy who has that consistent male figure around to model the positive behavior will have a dramatically increased chance of growing up with some positive behaviors to withdraw from his mental memory bank as he gets older.
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When it comes to parenting and raising solid, respectful kids one of the most important words I’ve learned to say is “Yes”. 

As a father of four beautiful kids I must admit that years ago I used to spell “Love”, W-O-R-K and M-O-N-E-Y.  I used to be quick to say “No” when it came to doing the simplest of things with my kids like playing basketball or curb-ball or rough-housing.  I would justify my answer with the fact that I was “too busy”.  Well, thank God years ago I eventually realized that “too busy” was just a common scapegoat that demonstrates our real priorities in life. 

I’m happy to say that one glorious day I had the good-fortune of overhearing a conversation a couple of my kids were having with my wife and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that the most important thing is not how hard we W-O-R-K or how much M-O-N-E-Y we make, our kids spell “Love”, T-I-M-E. 

No wonder there are countless stories of multi-millionaires and billionaires the world over that have failed to create the proper bond and connection with their kids due to the lack of T-I-M-E invested with them.  The biggest factor in our kid’s lives is not the school teacher or the BFF or the babysitter or the TV or the video game.  The biggest factor in their lives should be YOU and your ability to say “Yes” to the time investment in the simple things that show them that they’re important. 

So, here’s a brief reminder for you today.  In this life we have many, many mistakes to make but we don’t have to make them all ourselves.  I invite you to learn from my mistake and take time to tune-out of the busyness that life can bring us and tune-in to those little ones around us both young and old.  And, remember we only get one time through this “life” thing.  No do-over’s on this one, so let’s get it right the first time through.

Be encouraged this week and be sure to say “Yes” as you choose to invest your T-I-M-E wisely with those who are counting on you to show them how to WIN.  The unfortunate reality is that most people won’t even have time to read this post today, “too busy”.  Hmmmm.  Don’t let it be you.

Let’s make it GREAT!


A little food-4-thought for you today:

Even the best among us have their fair share of ups and downs.  I’ve found that the very definition of life has to incorporate the reality of ups and downs, for if there were no “downs” how would we ever know when we’re “up”.  Hmmmm.

I invite you to consider the following thought today and understand that your current position in life, up or down, is simply just part of the process of life.  The down days can build character and resilience, and the up days can build confidence and self-esteem.

The harsh reality is that he/she who is not experiencing the ups and downs of life is no longer living, they’re dead.  So my good-word for you today friends is to enjoy the ups and embrace the downs, for it all works to our good if we want it to. 

Let’s continue to lean forward this weekend as we attempt to once again Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book