Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

For those of you who feel like you’ve been in your storm for waaaay too long and the odds are stacked against you emerging on the other side victorious with a story to tell, please allow me to offer you some unsolicited words of encouragement today.

Hang in there my friend for tough times don’t last but tough people do. You were built for a challenge such as this and with your faith and tenacity your victory is inevitable. There is no question of “if” but just “when” will your time of relief and no grief arrive. Yes my friend, you will eventually overcome and become that new and improved person you need to be in the process.

This journey is no doubt empowering and equipping you with the proper tools of tenacity, persistency, perseverance and consistency that it takes to achieve and succeed. Others may be counting you out but I’m counting you in my friend to win again and again and again!

So, be encouraged today I say and don’t lose your way in the fray. Hang in there long enough for your success to show up and Make it GREAT!!! Then tell us all about it. 😉


Ok to share if you dare!!! 😉

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I may NOT be the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least I’m capable of thinking outside of it.

Don’t be afraid to mix it up and switch it up a little bit from time-to-time, you just might be surprised at what you find in this “Life” thing when you do. The “Norm” doesn’t always have to be. Change the flavor and keep’em guessing in your space a time or two and watch what they do.

Just another little Breadcrumb to Making it GREAT!!!

Awesome Weekend my Friend !!!

Oh, and always Ok to share if you dare… 😉

My Blog:
My Site:
My Book:
My Store:


Just a friendly reminder from AKA AKA that Success and Significance in the absence of Struggle and Adversity DOES NOT EXIST!!! 😉

No Pain No Gain…

Make it GREAT!!!


To forgive someone can be a walk-in-the-park for many, but to forget can be a marathon-run that may never be done.

That’s right my friends, forgiveness may come easy for some of us but the ability to truly FORGET may never be a luxury that we enjoy because forgiving is a simple action but forgetting is a complex state-of-the-mind.

Yes my friends the offensive actions of others can leave the deepest cuts and callouses on our mind, body and soul of which we may have no control, but we will always have control of our ability to forgive. So, if this shoe fits, I invite you to wear it with confidence. Let’s NOT let our inability to “Forget” diminish our ability to “Forgive”. After all, someone answered the call by forgiving us ALL. 😉

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

And, always Ok to share if you dare…..


Even the birds of nature won’t ever really know their full potential and capabilities until they’re pushed out of the nest. So, don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly into the destiny of your unfolding future even if you don’t have it all figured out yet, because I truly believe that the one who needs to know-it-all won’t go-at-all.

So, do a little due diligence and follow that “gut” of yours, that’s usually where your passion and purpose hangs out anyway.

Now go ahead and JUMP, then flap those wings of yours like your life depends on it, because your quality of life does depend on it.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book