Ok, time for a little bit of transparency from Mr. Make-it-GREAT. I must admit that I suck at times. Yes I said “I suck”. “I suck at what?” you might ask. Well, honestly I suck at staying down or depressed. I’m simply not very good at it. Yep, there are days that I may feel a little down or depressed or not as fired up about the day, but I have a few secret weapons that I employ when needed and one of the most important weapons in my arsenal is you. Yes, YOU…
This may come as a surprise to some of you but your comments and messages are like a shot of adrenaline to me when I’m feeling less than inspired. So, whether you’ve made one comment or 101 comments, it’s to you I go when I’m feeling low. That’s right my friends I’ve been known to invest an hour or two from time-to-time reading the many thousands of comments, messages, emails and post cards from you who glean some value from what I do. So, to you I say, “THANK YOU”.
Thank you for making me feel like what I do is meaningful and matters and makes a difference to you. Thank you for taking those few moments and minutes to share your thanks and thoughts for my books and blogs and Podcast Pods because yes I do read them all over and over and over again as the clock of the years continue to spin.
So, what weapons do you have in your wallet to use when the ways of this wacky world gets you down? Hmmm… No need to answer the question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear.
Keep those comments coming because I’m sure I’ll need you again real soon. Thanks in advance for continuing to help me Make it GREAT!!!
GREAT DAY young Grasshoppers!!!
My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
My Book: MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Store: TheInspirationStore.com