Some have asked, “Why no post from me on Mothers Day?”
And to that I say, “I didn’t want my words to get lost in the fray.”
But now I write:
It seems like just a few days ago my mother had taken ill,
But my business of the day had to continue on still.
I finally made arrangements to fly and see her for Mothers Day,
In hopes I would arrive before she quietly passed away.
A thousand miles away from me their lying in her bed,
Till the morning of my flight I got that phone call that I’d dread.
Hearing the phone ring could only mean one thing was the thought running through my mind.
It was my Dad sobbing and weeping as he shared she’d breathed her very last time.
Now hearing your Dad cry maybe something that’s quite normal for you,
But for me and my three brothers and Dad that’s just something you don’t do.
As I sat alone holding the phone thinking how could I’ve been such a fool,
I should’ve left days ago and cancelled my show and spoke later at that High School.
So I hung up the phone still feeling alone as my wife sat up clutching her pillow.
I gave a quick glance but was still in a trance as I slowly walked over to the window.
I looked out the blinds with a question in mind does the world even care my Mom’s gone?
But all I could see was it only mattered to me because the world was just carrying on.
She knew that I loved her and placed no one above her and that brought peace to my mind,
But I wanted the chance to get one more quick glance and cuddle with her one last time.
I did pretty good like a big boy should as I held my emotions inside.
But my thoughts soon hooked me and the grief overtook me and I eventually just broke down and cried.
This wasn’t a sigh or a normal type cry it was one that I’d never done before.
It felt like an attack so I tried to fight back but I eventually just fell to the floor.
I can’t describe the pain or the weight of the strain and there was nothing it seemed I could do.
I then heard from my bride who stuck by my side saying “I’m sorry” as she cried too.
Embarrassed and ashamed and a few other things I felt I had lost my cool.
But keeping emotions in and not sharing them with a friend is something that’s meant for only fools.
So my moment of breaking down with a loved one around made all the difference for me.
I can only hope and pray that others who travel this way will have someone there to just let them be free.
We all have a season and death happens for a reason so don’t you dare feel disenchanted.
Put down your pride and set business aside and never ever, Ever, EVER take Mom for granted.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there, but I’ll always care.
Wore sunglasses on the plane ride to hide the tears that I cried.
I miss you Mom… 😉