Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

So the question was asked, “For what am I thankful for on this Day of Thanks Giving?”

After careful thought and consideration, I must say that I am most thankful for having a list of too many things to be thankful for. 🙂

Life is good and the Creator of it all is even greater, so let’s continue in our unwavering efforts to follow His example and Make it GREAT!

Happy Thanks Giving ALL!!!


While going through your storm, be sure to take good notes so you can eventually turn it into your story. That’s right folks, your storm is NOT just all about you, it’s about how you manage to get through and rather or not you share it to show others that they can too.

So, I may not know you, but I do know that you’re either headed to a storm, going through a storm or on the other side of a storm. Some storms are rough and some not-so-much, but make no mistake about it, we all have them.

Again, I encourage you to take some detailed notes amidst the storm of your struggle because you may not remember all the details when you eventually emerge on the other side. Then start focusing on how you’re going to leverage that storm of yours to benefit others so that they will have some glimmer of hope to cling to while they’re going through their struggle. After all, that’s why we’re all here. So let’s leverage our storms to help others to Make it GREAT!



BEWARE: Sometimes we humans may actually act like “humans” and actually make mistakes, some big and some not-so-big. So don’t be so quick to treat us humans like we’re something less than human when a bad decision or mistake is made. That’s why our Creator created what I call the G.M.F. Concepts and continues to show us how they work because He knows that we will have to continue utilizing them a lot over our lifetime if we want to make this life something special.

So what are these G.M.F. Concepts you may ask? Well, it’s quite simply Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. Yes that’s right friends, these concepts are the cornerstone and reason for the continuation of even our very own existence. I’m so glad that our Creator is not as stingy as we are when it comes to utilizing these three amigos, because if He was, we would’ve been wiped off the face of the earth a loooong time ago. But we’re still here. Hmmm…

So don’t be surprised in the near future when your favorite human does something very human-like in the “mistake” or “bad-choice” category. Be prepared to utilize one of those notorious G.M.F. Concepts and keep leaning towards a better day. After all, we’re all just little humans trying to Make it GREAT!



I absolutely loooove pulling my 4.0 boys out of school for lunch from time-to-time so we can just kick back and enjoy a good meal and some great laughs. Make no mistake about it these two are polar opposites when it comes to their personalities and their individual strengths but friendly competition always seem to bring them together.

At the tender age of 12 and 16, textbook student-athletes they are in every sense of the word and they mean so much more than just the world to me. Our bond is tighter than most and their awesome behavior as young men has oftentimes left me wondering if I will ever encounter any serious conduct challenges with them in the near future. Hmmm… Well, I won’t be holding my breath for that possibility. 🙂

I’m super glad that these two guys share my last name and DNA and I can’t wait to see and hear about all they do to leverage their passions in the years to come in their attempt to Make it GREAT!

Don’t miss your opportunity to do the same.

Let’s continue in our unwavering efforts to encourage our kids to Make it GREAT!!!


“Cedric, you sure talk a lot about finding your Passion and serving it up to the world. I have no clue about my passion or my area of God-given talent and gifts. Do you have any quick tips on how I can find out what it is?” If I had a dime for every time this question is thrown at me, I would be a very wealthy man. 🙂

Well, the simple answer to this question is “Yes”. Yes I do have a few simple tips that can put you on the path to discovering or even re-discovering that “Passion” thing of yours and also identifying those unique talents and gifts that are nestled inside of you itching to be leveraged for the benefit of others.

For starters, think about what is that thing that you can do all day every day without pay while times slips away?

What is that thing that you appear to have a knack for and seems to come easy for you but may be a bit challenging for others?

What is that thing that you do that others may oftentimes compliment you on?

What is that thing that makes you come alive and brings a big smile to your face when you think about it and time appears to speed up when you’re doing it?

Finally, what is that thing or activity that unlocks the box of where your inner-most feelings of joy and fulfillment reside?

Answering these questions can definitely put you on the path to unearthing those special gifts, talents and passions you possess. So if you’re still in limbo about what makes you special, your homework for life is to discover it, uncover it and help your sister and brother with it. The world needs you now more than ever to step into your greatness so you can then in-turn help them to Make it Great!

Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book