HOPE: Having an Optimistic, Positive Expectation.
It’s hard to believe that such a small four letter word can carry so much weight, but it’s absolutely true. It’s said that without “Vision” the people will perish, and I’d like to add to that statement by saying that without “Hope” the people will have nothing to live for.
I’ve written several articles about the importance of Hope over the years and its significance is so strong that it definitely bears repeating as a reminder on a regular basis.
Hope and Despair have an inverse relationship. The more you have of one the less you have of the other. Simply put, being positive and optimistic about what’s possible for you keeps feelings of despair at bay.
Yes my friends Hope for something better for our family, friends and future is paramount and losing sight of this fact can plunge you into a darkness of dangerous depression and despair.
So I say to you today, “Keep your HOPE for a positive future alive so you can NOT just survive, but THRIVE!” This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead you in the direction of Making it GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com