Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I had the unique opportunity to make my day Great x 2 last night when me and one of my group-home boys EJ had the chance to hang out with a group of people that the ”Good Book” (bible) refers to as “The Least of These”.  An odd group of six homeless people they were as they gathered next to a large barbeque pit fire in the night at one of the local city parks.

To my surprise I was received as if I was a bit of a celebrity amongst the group because one of them had my book “Bread Crumbs to Making it Great” and had been reading it daily to the group.  Wow, I must admit that I wasn’t expecting this type of reception and I felt extremely honored by it.

Me and EJ had some great conversation with them chatting about some of their favorite stories in the book and some of their goals for the future.  “Well, it looks like the fire is dying down and we’re going to need some more wood.” stated Red, who was the group leader.

After an awkward moment of silence, I spoke up and said, “Me and EJ will go and find some wood.”  EJ looked up at me with a surprised face with a smile and then Me, EJ and Red ventured off into the darkness with one small intermittent flash light looking for wood.

Minutes later we ran across several large limbs on the ground and began to break off a few of the smaller pieces to drag back to the camp.  After we got back to the camp we joined the crew in tossing a few branches and dried leaves on the fire.  “Now we’re ready to barbeque!” exclaimed Red.  So they pulled out some freshly purchased raw chicken and topped off the night.

There didn’t appear to be much to go around so Me and EJ didn’t stick around to join them in dinner but we did leave them a few personally signed copies of my book and a little money to buy a tree-limb cutter so they could easily cut up the downed limbs for future firewood during the cold winter season that’s upon us.

To see the look on EJ’s face was priceless as he was super-eager to be the one to give them the books, the wood and the money to help them make it a great day.  We high-fived each other as we got back to the truck and then drove on back to the group home with a big smile on our face knowing that we had just invested two productive hours into making someone else’s day Great.

May our little adventure remind you that these types of opportunities are all around us every day, we just have to be intentional about seizing them.  “The Least of These” is waiting for people like us to step up and be accounted for.  Will you be able to do your fair-share?  Can we count on you to NOT be stingy with your good-fortune and be the exception not just this Thanks Giving season, but in every season?  Hmmm…

Many will find an excuse, but I hope and pray that you will find a way to make someone else’s day Great.

I got a two-for-one this time around.  The homeless group got a blessing and little EJ got to play a huge part in it all.  Not soon shall I forget this one.

So get-on out there and get involved in your own creative way and make a difference in the lives of the “Least of These” in your respective areas of this great world of ours.  And, never-ever-forget that we only get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s continue in our collective efforts to Make it GREAT!

My Book:


I don’t read much for entertainment purposes, I read for enter-brainment purposes.  Yes, that’s right folks I just made up my own word “enter-brainment”.  Feel free to not only use this word, but also adopt the philosophy of reading to increase your knowledge and skills on a regular basis.

Becoming that leader that others want to enthusiastically follow or becoming that person who has a consistently positive influence on others doesn’t happen by accident, it happens with the greatest of intentional acts and reading is one of them.

So pick up an exceptional personal development or self-help book or two or ten and start turning some pages with an intent to read between the lines and you may be surprised at what you’ll find.  My bestselling book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” is surely one you might want to consider adding to your list.

Purchase your book-copy online today at and receive a FREE copy of one of my most popular impactful audio CD’s that’s packed with incredible music and content that’s sure to get you on your way to Making it GREAT!

This offer is only for now through this weekend so don’t wait to start Making it GREAT!  You’ll be glad you did.  🙂

Click here to see what others are saying about the book and order your copy NOW.  Make it GREAT:


A little unsolicited advice and word to the wise today for those of you who may find yourself in mutual verbal combat with a stubborn opposition to change.

Arguing with such people is like running on a treadmill, you get all hot and sweaty and when you’re all done you realize you got nowhere.  The quicker you’re able to agree to disagree with the stubborn, closed-minded the less undue stress you have to endure.

Sometimes some people may think they know but they truly don’t know that they don’t know and they really need to know.  Simply put, those who are walking in darkness but don’t know they’re walking in darkness will never seek the light.  All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put the life of the unwilling back together again.

So, jump off that treadmill and move on over to those who are willing and open to change and let’s continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!


What got you from “A” to “B” won’t get you to “C” and “D” and definitely not “E, F & G and L,M,N,O,P””.  So make a commitment to never take an extended vacation away from education after graduation because a lifetime-learner is indeed worth much more than just their weight in platinum, silver or gold.

Continue to Read good books, Participate in uplifting and educational events, Listen to good content designed to make you better and Associate with others who are affirming and dream driven, passion-pursuing goal getters.  This is definitely a recipe for making all things Great or significant.

New tools, techniques and strategies are an absolute necessity on your journey through the forest of the ABC’s and LMNOP’s because nothing stays the same except the expectation of change.  So keep flexing your personal development muscles and don’t be surprised when you find yourself checking those major goals and dreams off your list.

Keep leaning forward in the days ahead and continue to Read, Participate, Listen & Associate and that’s how you Make it GREAT!

My exclusive website can help by delivering a weekly impact video/message direct to you every week for 52 weeks for FREE.  So turn it on today and get on your way.  You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

Make it GREAT!!!


The old saying “It takes a village to raise a child,” has been repeated by many down through the years, but lately it appears that some parents aren’t being too cooperative with the village. Honestly, many of the other village members are in fear of being sued or just out-right beat-up or hurt by an over-protective parent if they attempt to help in steering or correcting a child lately.

Yep that’s right it appears that more and more good family members, friends, teachers and other would-be mentors and authority figures are being squeezed-out of playing an active role in helping to raise the children of our respective village-communities.

Not my child!  Nobody is going to challenge, correct or discipline my child but me,” has been the common phrase thrown around these days and as a result, the “Not My Child Syndrome” is negatively infecting and affecting a whole generation.

It even sometimes seems that the lack of playing a solid role in their own kids life is pushing some parents to feeling like the only way they can really show they love their kids is to run to their defense when someone is trying to hold their child accountable or correct them for their unacceptable behavior.  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I do sincerely believe that a good-ole’-fashioned village-community of those who you trust to do the right thing with the right intensions for your child is needed.  A show of solidarity amongst the adults in our respective communities in support of each-others judgment and demanding that our children respect adults and their elders is paramount.   This can definitely make the difference in our kids making this life “good” or our kids making this life GREAT!  I hope you choose to help them Make it GREAT!

It takes a village…  😉

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book