Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Some of the people around you may attempt to squash your goals and dreams with a sharp comment or two.  I call these people “Snakes of well-intention“. Have you been bit and victimized by the vicious bite and fast-acting venom of one of these vipers lately?  If so, I say to you today, don’t lose your focus.  Let this venom be the fuel for your vision.  Choose to be empowered by cynicism and encouraged by the “N” words.  The “Never’s, the “No’s”, the “Not’s” and the “No shows”.  Shake off the nasty non-sense of the naughty naysayers.

Make a commitment today, while the weather is good so when the storms come, you will not fold up your umbrella of armor and run for cover.  You will stand your ground and not retreat into that foxhole of fear in the face of adversity for you know that all great men and women have realized their greatness or significance on the other side of such adversity and hardships.

Then when the day comes that you stand face-to-face with your achievement, may you then be so bold to tell the story of how you overcame and became.  I encourage you today to hang in there and continue to fight the good fight because a little bird told me that someone is secretly and unknowingly counting on you not just to win, but to win BIG.  Carpe Diem and make it GREAT!

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Think you can pick me out… Hmmm… The last picture me and my Dad and three brothers took with my Mommy…

My Mom checked out of this life 3 days before Mothers Day 5 years ago. And although we had some great times together as a family with Mom around, I must admit that I still have a few woulda, shoulda and coulda’s left over.

May this Mother’s Day be a special one for all of you deserving mothers out there in cyberspace. And please don’t miss your chance to make those memories while your Mom is still here.

Mom, your legacy lives on through your 3rd born and the other three. And Oh yeah, I’m still trying to make it GREAT! 


The way I figure it is the only way we can become immortal is to sow the best parts of ourselves into others.  So my life purpose and passion is to create written and spoken content that will continue to keep-on giving even in the absence of this earthly body.

Want to stay inspired and motivated in a world full of noise and chaos?  Want to spring out of bed in the morning with a mission mindset?  Want to stay on track and focused when others are falling victim to distractions and shiny objects? More »


Let me tell you a short story about a guy who always thought he was right.  One day he found out that he wasn’t. THE END…

In the days ahead I invite you to consider always leaving room for the possibility of being wrong even when you’re completely convinced that you’re right.  This practice could spare you a heap of undue heartache.

Just a simple breadcrumb food-4-thought for you today.  Enjoy…

Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book