Years of experience has taught me that most people’s problems don’t necessarily need to be fixed they just need to be heard.
Our natural tendency as human beings is to want to solve the problems of our friends and loved ones but attempting to solve the problems of others can in some cases do more harm to a person or relationship than help. The surprising reality is that the solution to the most complex problems often times lie within the host itself. So the best thing you can do for a friend or loved one sometimes is absolutely nothing but listen and give that friend an opportunity to work through that problem by wrestling with their own words and thoughts. Being allowed to fully articulate in their own words the problem they’re facing can oftentimes be both therapeutic and cathartic and more importantly can reduce the level of stress and anxiety for many situations. Just being willing to lend what I call an “affirmative ear” or be an “encouraging listener” can go a loooong way sometimes.
So I invite you to consider shutting up and listening sometime and just let the venting process run its course. You just might find yourself being a hero to that friend or family member in distress. Sure couldn’t hurt to find out for your self rather or not this really works. Just a little food-4-thought for you today. Hmmmmm…
Let’s all continue to make it GREAT!