Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

People often ask me why am I always smiling?

Well, it’s because I have a little fairy in my shoe that’s always tickling my toes. LOL…

The truth is because I constantly find that I have sooooo much to smile about, tons of good friends, a Great family and an AWESOME God, just to name a few. In fact, I have so much to smile about that I think I might need a twin to help out with the smiling duties. LOL… 🙂

Now, to add to that list of things to smile about is my newest book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” (Volume 2). Yes, Mr. Make it GREAT has done it again and I CAN’T WAIT for you to see and hear what I’ve seen and heard in this masterful devotional-style masterpiece.

If a book could be a Master Mentor riding shotgun with you through life this would definitely be it. Written with the “non-reader” and the “too-busy-to-read” in mind, this book is perfect in it’s design.

The record number of pre-orders so far makes my SMILE even BIGGER! Pre-Order Yours Today and cash-in on the Frenzy and the Freebies and see what all the fuss is about:


I don’t like being the bearer of bad news so today I’ll be the bearer of the “Good News”.

The Fraternity of Eternity is now accepting new members and no perfect people are allowed. This fraternity proudly calls themselves the “Fearless Few Followers and Fighters of the Faith”. This group will undoubtedly eventually be able to frolic in the land of freedom and forgiveness as they all bask in the glory of their stored-up treasures in heaven from their years and years of tireless service here on earth.

If you’re not already a member, openings are currently available but only for a limited time so don’t wait. Make your pledge today and we promise that we will keep the hazing to a minimum. I’ve been a proud member off-and-on since the late 1970’s and have become a better man because of the principles and disciplines I’ve learned and adopted as my own over the years and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yes, make no mistake about it this is definitely “Good News” so don’t kill the messenger for he has only your best interest at heart and in mind today.

We’ve opened the gate for you to Make it GREAT! So, put down your sin and come on in my friend. Let’s Make it GREAT!

And, always OK to share if you dare… 😉


Did you know that the most dangerous intersection in the world has claimed more victims than all the other intersections combined yet it still remains without a signal light or stop sign? You may find this hard to believe but it’s true.

So, what is this intersection that has remained uncontrolled in spite of its infamous record of collision and confusion you may ask? Well, it’s the intersection where our expectations crosses and encounters reality.

Yes my friends many of us tend to enter situations and circumstances in our life with expectations of one thing only to find that the reality is completely another. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in marriage and relationships where one person is expecting certain actions and behaviors from another and vise-versa. Then slowly overtime both people may start to become frustrated, irritated and exasperated and may then start to look for an exit strategy which may include moving on to another relationship only to find over time that the results are the same.

To this I say there is an answer. This life has taught me that expectations and reality can better merge when advanced expectations are heard and observed. That’s right my friends, in this instance an ounce of prevention is surely worth a pound of cure. So, in any situation or circumstance in advance we must be sure to make our expectations heard so reality can better merge.

This is indeed a little breadcrumb that can help us all make better decisions and reduce future collisions. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!



Was blindsided this Magnificent-Monday-Morning by an old temptation and had to turn and flee. That’s right my friends, I’m not afraid to run away every-now-and-then and I’m sure that I’m not alone. So my prayer for all who qualify as imperfect today is, “Lord, keep us on the ‘Straight-and-Narrow’ because we tend to drift to the “Crooked-and-Wide’”.

This “life” thing has taught me that the best way to build credibility and connection with others in any capacity is transparency. Details aren’t always necessary but expression of the presence and existence of weakness or flaws in a man or woman allows realistic identification in others.

So, no matter what picture many try to paint of themselves from a podium, platform or pedestal, we’re NOT all perfect. In fact, no “Perfect” people are allowed in the most meaningful crowd so don’t be afraid to say it loud. I’ll go first, “I’M NOT PERFECT!!!” but I’m perfect for this journey called “life”. So, dare to join me on the journey of striving daily for perfection in an imperfect world.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!! Getting better every day. 😉



During this month exactly 10 years ago this family picture was taken in our backyard pool area with a view that could take your breath away. Now 10 years later my youngest is now the same age that my oldest was in this photo and the change of the years has brought with it so many other changes in our lives.

It’s amazing how a Blessing can be hidden in a Bankruptcy, a new Faith can be found in a Firing and an amazing Comeback can be concealed in an untimely Setback. The surprise is that through it all I’ve learned that sometimes we have to be pushed a few steps back so we can be prepared to take a few giant leaps forward and now life is absolutely GREAT! And, nope I wouldn’t change a single thing about the process to getting to where I’m at today. 🙂

I truly believe that in this “life” thing there’s a reason for every single season. So I encourage you today to think it NOT strange and be it NOT surprised if your best blessing lies inside of an unexpected slide. Or, your renewed faith is found in an unfavorable fall or failure. Just pick yourself back up so you can move-on up and claim your stake to again Make it GREAT! Don’t wish to get the old days back, work to make the new days better. 😉


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book