Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Been hearing a lot of “Blah, Blah, Blah” lately? Well, the ONLY service that will never be rewarded this side of Heaven is “Lip-Service”.

Yep that’s right my friends, so we must be careful NOT to get caught letting our mouth write checks that our “ACTIONS” can’t cash because bouncing checks is illegal, but bouncing words is just down-write embarrassing.

A little harsh today but I’m sure you can take it. Now get-on out there this week and Make it GREAT without the Blah, Blah, Blah’s… 🙂


Ever heard the phrase, “I feel like I have a monkey on my back.”? Well, having a monkey on your back can actually be a good thing in some instances. Especially if that “monkey” is constantly whispering in your ear reminding you of who you are as a child of a Sovereign King and what you’re capable of.

If I was that “monkey” for you on this Hump Day, I would whisper these words to that single woman or man: “You are indeed enough and a companion is just a plus.”

To that married woman or man struggling in a relationship I would say: “Try taking your eyes-of-concern off of your spouse and start looking internally at you and what you can do.”

To that young boy or girl looking for direction in life I would gently say: “Find your passion and purpose and leverage it in the direction of service to the world as you create a life of meaningful contribution.”

And, to that individual who just needs a little motivational kick-in-the-pants today to get them on their way I would say: “Times may be tough but our unshakeable will to overcome is even tougher. So, we stand firm in the face of our adversity and make the bold statement that we will NOT quit, we will NOT resign, will NOT waive the white flag and throw in the towel and abandon our mission in this life for we know that our cause is indeed noble and just and is worthy of our best efforts. So we will stay the course until our inevitable success shows up and we not just win, but we WIN BIGGGGG !!!”

Yes my friends we are all capable of knowing better, seeing better, doing better and being better in some way every day. So, don’t be so quick to get that monkey off of your back, especially if it’s reminding you of how you can Make it GREAT in your space.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Sometimes the scariest person we could ever be left alone with may actually be ourselves. That’s right my friends that guy or gal that’s staring right back at us in the mirror knows everything about us. Our weaknesses, our flaws, our vices and past falls, yes he/she knows them all and will not hesitate to leverage them to get what he/she wants.

So the next time it’s just you, the four walls and the pet cat or dog, what will you do to keep standing tall? Hmmm… No need to answer here out loud, just make us proud and don’t follow the crowd.

Yes my friends there is no “enemy” tougher than our “inner-me” so don’t get-ready, stay-ready to do battle with that gal or guy who’s always standing by waiting for another try. Develop a game-plan in advance that will help you take your stance because you may not get a second chance.

Let’s keep leaning forward and make this week so awesome that last week gets insanely jealous. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Over the years I’ve learned that one of the best test of a person’s true character is how they treat others behind the scenes who can do absolutely nothing for them. Yes my friends the true marker and measure of one’s genuine character comes by a person’s actions and treatment of another of seemingly lessor status when they think no ones looking.

The absence of the watchful eye of the general public creates a sense of safety and many will let their false-face and guard down and let their true self and character show. So to this I invite you to consider doing the following:

We must not be so quick to accept what we see in public as an accurate depiction and representation of a person’s true colors in private. You’d be shocked and amazed at what you really don’t know about a person’s behavior outside of the public’s eye.

So my prayer for you today is, may our private face be congruent with our public face every day of the week and twice on Sundays while we’re on our way to Making it GREAT! This gives a whole new meaning to “What you see is what you get”.



Ok friends, I regret to inform you that I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be taking a long hiatus/absence from my blog and social media content creation because of the external pressures and drama all around me at this time.

Just kidding… LOL 🙂

You will NEVER, EVER see or hear those words come out of my mouth because I know that “Evil” would love nothing more than for those of us who would try to do “Good” to exit all social media and cyber-platforms so that “Evil” can go-about doing its negative dirty-work unchallenged by the positive.

So to that I say, “NEVER GONNA HAPPEN BUDDY!!!” I’ll never say “Uncle” and wave the white flag of surrender and exit this space, so I guess it’s fair to say that you’re stuck with me. Ha-Ha-Ha-Haaaa (in my sinister laugh).

You know, I could use a little bit of help too, so feel free to adopt the same commitment to continue to do “Good” and create value for others no matter what the situations or circumstances surrounding you and let’s keep working to Make it GREAT!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book