I was having a candid conversation with an old business colleague today and I had the opportunity to share a few thoughts with him. He was looking for a little advice on how to get some of his service providers motivated so I let him in on my little-known secret that has served me extremely well in the past. Almost every service provider I know find it hard NOT to have a positive response to my secret WMD (Weapon of Mass Development).
Out of all my investments in advertising, marketing and business tools, I’ve found this one thing to be pound-for-pound and dollar-for-dollar the single most economical, efficient, effective PR tool this side of the universe. What is this public relations juggernaut you ask? Well, it’s plain-ole, everyday ordinary Chocolate. Yes, my friends the best things in life aren’t really as complicated and complex as we make them.
I can’t tell you the countless times that I’ve invested good money in purchasing chocolate that was specifically designed to be hand delivered personally, with a smile and short conversation, to my service providers in the field of operations. The results are nothing short of phenomenal.
At least once or twice a month appears to be the optimum and most effective frequency. A little recognition and chocolate to brighten someone’s day can go a long way in raising your value in the eyes of others. Master this little known technique and watch how fast you get attention to your problems and concerns. It works for me. You should try it sometime.
Let’s take this life and choke it into submission with kindness and make it GREAT!