This message is for that guy who just lost the very thing that may have made him feel like a man the most and for that man who’s had the very thing that gave him his since of worth and value stripped away on a fateful day. What is this thing you may ask? Well, it’s quite simply a “job”.
Be encouraged today and understand that that job you do should NOT define you. Loss of employment does NOT equal loss of dignity and enjoyment. Loss of work and occupation should NOT equal loss of worth and unhealthy frustration.
This “life” thing is full of difficulty and uncertainty but a midst the difficulty and uncertainty lie’s a silver-lining of opportunity in some way, shape or form. We just have to be creative and find it. Yes my friends, crisis creates opportunity; opportunity to reinvent yourself and re-purpose your gifts and talents into other areas of service to this hurting humanity.
Warning though… Don’t expect this transition to happen overnight but stay positive, proactive and progressive and maintain a healthy respect for the process and watch things eventually start to swing in your favor. Not doing so just might lead to the Dreaded “D” of Depression.
Yes Indeed my friends, most setbacks are just creative, clandestine set-ups for major comebacks. So, SHAKE-OFF the stinking thinking and divorce yourself from all thoughts that DO NOT serve your positive purpose. Surround yourself with those who are looking to do better, be better, know better and see better and go Make it GREAT!!! Then tell me all about it.
Always Ok to share if your dare… 😉
My book can definitely help you stay fired-up and focused on your journey if you dare. Get your FREE copy today if you just agree to “Pay-it-Forward”: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com