Many people appear to have a “wood-butt” now-a-days. Yes that’s right, I said “wood-butt”. When it comes to doing something meaningful or that really matters that may require a little bit of effort, they “would – but” they have a convenient excuse for why they can’t, don’t, will not or won’t.
You see, in life there are those who make excuses & reasons and those who produce in every season. As a result, we should be careful NOT to let the reasons of the excuse-mongers make us angry or bitter.
For many of us it may become necessary to categorize people so that one can safe-guard his or her feelings from distress and disappointment from the actions or inactions of others. Yes my friends identifying the “Doers” and the “Don’ters” can be vitally important to maintaining our own sanity and even Christianity for some.
Simply put: Some will, some won’t, so what if they don’t… Just keep on dancing your jig. Don’t let the “Would-but’s”, the “Don’ters”, the “Will Not’s” and “Won’ters” steal your winning smile and enthusiastic style. Continue to squeeze the juice out of your opportunity to Make it GREAT.
So, do you have a “wood butt”? Please don’t answer out loud just make us proud and stand out from the crowd. 🙂