The ONLY true Failures in our life are when we Fail to learn from the Failures in our life.
The ONLY true Loss is when we didn’t give it our Best.
And, the ONLY true Defeat is when we accept being Defeated never to try again.
That’s right my friends this life-thing has revealed to me that the bark of Failure, Loss & Defeat are far worse than their bite. So, make a point to learn from your Failures, always give it your BEST and when feeling defeated always pick yourself back up to try again. This is indeed an invaluable Bread Crumb that can lead us all on the path to Making it GREAT!!!
GREAT DAY Young Grasshoppers!!!
My Book: MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com