So exactly how many times do you find yourself pressing that snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning before actually getting up and starting your day? Hmmm…
Or maybe an even better question is exactly how many times are you going to continue to press the snooze button on your life’s biggest goals and dreams before you actually get up and start taking some action-steps toward making them reality?
When exactly are you going to get started with pursuing those things that you really want to do in this life? And most importantly, how will today be any different than yesterday or any other day? Hmmm…
Yes indeed these are some tough questions but I’ve found that tough questions can oftentimes lead to life-changing answers.
Continuing to put-off till tomorrow that which you can start doing today has never and will never yield positive results because tomorrow never comes. Truth be told, we really don’t even have today. All we have is this specific moment in time right now.
So I encourage you today to go ahead and keep the alarm clock but please consider getting rid of the snooze button and master your moments NOW because your tomorrow will never come and times-a-ticking.
So get on your way to making it GREAT today!