I absolutely loooove pulling my 4.0 boys out of school for lunch from time-to-time so we can just kick back and enjoy a good meal and some great laughs. Make no mistake about it these two are polar opposites when it comes to their personalities and their individual strengths but friendly competition always seem to bring them together.
At the tender age of 12 and 16, textbook student-athletes they are in every sense of the word and they mean so much more than just the world to me. Our bond is tighter than most and their awesome behavior as young men has oftentimes left me wondering if I will ever encounter any serious conduct challenges with them in the near future. Hmmm… Well, I won’t be holding my breath for that possibility. 🙂
I’m super glad that these two guys share my last name and DNA and I can’t wait to see and hear about all they do to leverage their passions in the years to come in their attempt to Make it GREAT!
Don’t miss your opportunity to do the same.
Let’s continue in our unwavering efforts to encourage our kids to Make it GREAT!!!