I’ve done a lot of events over the years but this was a FIRST!!!
I had the privilege of speaking to a group of Cheerleader Coaches to fire them up for the Grand Opening of Bakersfield’s newest Cheer Academy “Sapphire Elite”.
I don’t know much about cheering, but I do know quite a bit about obtaining and maintaining a positive environment. And, if you create it, they will come. So, Sapphire Elite has OFFICIALLY filed a restraining order against Bad Days and Negativity. They’re NOT allowed within 100 feet of the premises.
I had a ton of fun with this group and I’m now thinking about taking them on the road with me.
smile emoticon
They all left with a copy of my newest personal development book, Bread Crumbs to Making it Great (Volume 2). Now, working on the number one component in the equation of their success (which is themselves) has become their newest priority so they can deliver that second-to-none service and model those behaviors that are worthy of duplication by their athletes.
Go Gett’em Sapphire Elite!!! Make it GREAT!!!
You can get your FREE book today @: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com and “Pay-it-Forward”