I’m not necessary.
My actions are irrelevant in the lives of others.
No one would miss me if I was gone.
Life really has no meaning and my being in it is inconsequential.
Nobody understands me.
Nobody understands my pain.
Nobody really cares about what I’m going through.
I don’t know why I’m always feeling this way.
I just want to close my eyes and make it all go away.
I just want to stop “feeling”.
I have no purpose here.
I’m tired of not being happy.
I’m tired of not being appreciated.
I don’t feel loved.
If I’m gone so too will be the hurt and pain.
Well, can you see the common thread with all of these statements? They all include the word “I”, “Me” or “My” in them. These are just a few of the many internal conversations that people suffering from what I call the “SP-Syndrome” have with themselves on a regular basis. And, if left unchecked and untreated, this SP-Syndrome can eventually develop into a full blown case of the Dreaded “D” which could then ultimately lead to the murder of someone by their own hands.
So what is this “SP” & Dreaded “D”? Well, it’s quite simply “Self-pity” and “Depression”. The first real sign that the SP-Syndrome is setting in is when our internal conversation starts to include the words I, Me or My. Then over time a dark “tunnel-vision” may start to occur that leads us down a self-centered path to depression and quite possibly even total self-annihilation. If you don’t think this is possible, then just read the latest news headlines.
From the bottom to the very top of our society many people are becoming professional “Pain Hiders” and “Lost Survivors”. Yes that’s right my friends, depression is a serious, show-stopping disease that is quietly harbored by so many. But take heart my friends, for there is hope and it starts with taking the focus off of “self” and the “I-Me-My’s” and focusing more on “others” and the “He-She-We’s”. Staying in a “service-to-others” mode of thinking and doing may not be the total answer but it sure is an awesome place to start.
So if/when you suddenly feel that sneaky SP-Syndrome starting to creep up on you, Snap Out of It! and jump into service mode and get out there and start helping others to Make it GREAT!