I’ve discovered over the years that the potential and ability to succeed and make a positive impact in this world exist in all of us, but any type of success has an incubation period. It may be lying dormant in some and active in others, but make no mistake about it, the potential exist in all of us. The catch is we have to pursue it long and strong enough for it to become reality.

The gestation and incubation period for these seeds of impact and success always differ from one person to the other, so don’t be discouraged by the apparent success others are experiencing around you. Your time too shall eventually come if you take the right actions and stick around long enough for your success to show up.

So a good question today is, “Are you still on your journey, or did you succumb to the pressure and quit too soon?” Please don’t answer this question here, just make sure in your heart you’re clear.

Let’s Make it GREAT!

My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com


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