I was laying in my bed in my most inspirational position this morning, which is flat on my back staring at the ceiling, when I suddenly had what I call a “Hallelujah moment of inspiration”. So as usual, I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed one of my trusted-ole journals and started to write out my thoughts.
The idea that came to mind was a new, contemporary, acronymic definition of “Adversity” that I think you might get some value from. My new definition of “Adversity” is, “the Ability to Develop Via Experiencing Rough Situations that Involuntarily Train You.” If you really break this definition down you’ll find that adversity really does give you the ability to develop by experiencing hardships and struggles in situational life events that are designed to make you stronger and help you to grow rather you want to encounter these experiences or not.
So I invite you to think of adversity as a welcomed opportunity to grow and get better. All things that are great and worthwhile were no doubt realized on the other side of “Adversity”. Be encouraged today if you’re experiencing a bit of discomfort amidst a struggle and know that you’re in training and a new and better you is coming right around the corner. Continue to lean forward and make it GREAT! GREAT WEEK !!!