Myth Busted:  Rumor has it that Great leaders are born.  Well, this myth is definitely BUSTED!  Great leaders aren’t born, they’re developed with a high degree of intentionality.  Yes my friends, being a GREAT leader is a skill that is acquirable and developable.

If this is true, then this means that anyone can be a Great leader if they are willing to invest the time, effort, focus and commitment to make it reality.  Great leaders never “arrive,” they’re always in a constant state of improvement and developing themselves in more ways than one.

Great leaders also don’t just lead in the absence of fear, they lead in spite of it.  They have developed a steadfast focus and understanding that all things great exist only on the other side of fear and adversity, so they embrace the fear and welcome the adversity and persist and persevere anyway.

So, can we call you a “Great leader” today without laughing under our breath?  Can you be counted in or counted out when the times get rough and the going gets tough and you’re saying enough is enough?  Hmmm…

No need to answer out loud, just make me proud and stand out from the crowd while others say it loud, “YOU’RE A LEADER I WANT TO FOLLOW!”

It’s never too late to start leading and making it GREAT.  My book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” can help you take a daily step in the right direction to becoming that leader that others want to follow and others want to emulate.  Pre-Order your copy today and see why others are finding it hard to put down.
Coming Soon in the month of November…..


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