Cedric Crawford (I have a DREAM)-3On this MLK Monday I’m reminded of the irrefutable reality that bullets from the gun of a homicidal opposition may kill a noble and just Dreamer but it takes much more than that to kill a noble and just Dream.

What was this dream you may ask?  Well, it was a dream for equality as I understand it.  A dream without fear of ridicule or retribution I’m told.  A dream of compassion and understanding I’m sure I read somewhere.  A dream of a union and consolidation into one race, called the “Human Race.”

The irony is the “Dreamer” died during his quest, fighting for all to have the equal right to pursue their “Dream.”  No this man was not the first to have such a dream and he most definitely won’t be the last.  Dreamers exist in all shape, sizes, colors, creeds and kinds and I’m proud to say that I’m a member of the “Dreamers Club” too.

A great man once said that you’re never really living unless you’ve discovered something you’d die for.  If this is true, then to put one’s self in harms way for a dream and belief should be considered the most noble of all, especially when that dream is selfless instead of selfish.

So, the big question today is, for what dream or cause are you willing to die for?  I invite you to find the answer and get to living.  I invite you to join me today in dreaming a BIG dream in honor of the “Dreamer.”  I’ll go first.

I have a BIG Dream that one day having a BIG Dream and chasing that BIG Dream won’t be looked at as being taboo. Also, when it comes to pursuing that BIG Dream, may those doubting friends and family members willingly cancel their memberships in the “Discouragement Club” and become #1 supporters in the “Encouragement Club.”

Maybe one day this BIG Dream will come true or maybe I’m just dreaming.  Hmmmm…  Dream a BIG Dream and let’s work to make it GREAT!

My Book:  www.MakeItGreatNOW.com


4 Responses to I Have a BIG Dream
  1. Sarge Summers says:

    Outstanding article… I’m a Big-Time Dreamer too and in my case, it’s a whole series of dreams and everyone of them have a great ending because my dreams are God-given dreams backed by His incredible Word and promises.

  2. Keep swinging and dreaming Sarge… Life is so much more exciting when we’re reaching for something better. 🙂

  3. Sarge Summers says:

    10-4! Our God reigns… I got up early this morning (O-dark thirty) and have been reading your incredible book. I want you to know that I have been reading and studying motivational books and materials for 40 plus years. Everything from Zig Ziglar and beyond, but never have I read material that comes alive like yours does… Thanks for what you do, have done and will (I know) continue to do Cedric. BTW, do you have any trips planned for Houston, TX?

  4. NO trips on the books planned for Houston at this time. Maybe someday soon.

    What an awesome testimonial. I love to collect these types of testimonials in hopes that others will see the value added to others and thereby want to indulge. I would love to use your testimonial in an upcoming promotional review if that’s Ok with you Sarge. 🙂

    If so, can you email it to me at TheBook@CedricCrawford.com please?

    Keep Making it GREAT!!!

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