As a young, wide-eyed, naïve kid I was foolish enough to believe that adults and my elders had it all figured out. But, my biggest and most startling surprise as an adult was discovering that “idiot” has nothing to do with age. That’s right my friends, when it comes to age, “idiot” has no limits and knows no bounds.
This “life” thing has taught me that ”Ignorance” can be educated and eradicated, but “Idiot” has to be extricated then isolated until it tires itself out. Yes that’s right folks, you can teach someone who doesn’t know and is willing to learn, but those who don’t know and don’t care to be educated and are hell-bent on acting out their anger, hatred and frustration in a violent, destructive manner are just lost and doomed to their own devices.
Simply put, there’s nothing we can do for those who are unwilling to come to terms with the irrational person they see in the mirror and realize the error of their ways and negative actions and need for change. Change for them can ONLY visit when they are ready to lay out the welcome mat of the willing. I’ve heard of a Dog Whisperer and a Horse Whisperer, and even a Ghost Whisperer. But, I have yet to hear of an Idiot Whisperer. 🙂
So, I encourage you to keep those “idiots” at arms-length and just show them you care by holding them up in prayer if you dare because even an idiot deserves a chance to change their fate and Make it GREAT!
GREAT DAY Young GrassHoppers and watch out for those “Idiots”. LOL
And, of course it’s still Ok to share if you dare… 😉
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