MC3 is what I call them, Monique, Cedric Jr, Chance and Chayse. One thing we will never be found guilty of is taking this “life” thing too serious. Nothing makes me smile bigger than when I see them enjoying life. Growing up in a home where they feel secure and free to express themselves is priority #1 for me and their daily actions tell me that I’ve got it right.
I’m often tempted at times to stop and ‘thank my lucky stars’, but I then quickly realize that the stars have absolutely nothing to do with my good fortune but the thanks goes to the one who created me and then entrusted me with these four souls to mold.
The perfect balance between serious and silly definitely exist in this household and dull moments are rare. Yes I’m no different than any other proud parent of four and I’m super-excited about seeing what the future holds for each of them. Ages ranging from 9 to 19 keeps me pretty busy and pretty broke with a popular theme song called “Money, Money, Money, Moneyyyy” playing in the background but somehow we manage to make it work everyday of the week and twice on Sunday’s.
Passion, Purpose and Perseverance are words used almost on a daily basis and “Why settle for average when we can Make it GREAT” is not just a slogan, it’s our way of life.
The most special thing about MC3 is that they all realize that they’re not “special”, they’re similar to the Average Joe, but they understand that what makes the difference is what they ‘know’. No I’m not sure what choices they’ll make in their future, but I am sure that their choices will make their future.
Be sure to echo the same to your little-ones and encourage them to continue to increase what they know, make great choices and Make it GREAT because it’s never too late. Oh, and don’t be afraid to be a little silly sometime.
Make it GREAT!!!
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