I would love to share with you today a little nugget of wisdom I’ve picked up on my journey through the events of my life.
We must be ever-so-careful not to allow the commendation, praise and accolades of others or the lack-there-of to be the yard stick by which we measure our success or failure. For I’ve learned that the same names and voices that are capable of building you up can and oftentimes will also bring you down with even more efficiency. This phenomenon will always be the case to some extent quite simply because negative news and content will always sell and compel faster and more frequent and efficiently than the positive.
So I say to you today be comfortable in your own skin and know who you are, why you’re here and your true intention for your actions. And don’t be so quick to allow the voices that surround you to dictate and justify your noble actions and deeds. Having such a mindset will equip you to weather the storm of the negative nasty non-sense of the naughty naysayer members of the discouragement club when and if the time comes down the road.
I encourage you to move forward with complete confidence today and know that what you do and stand for is meaningful and does matter, not just while you’re here, but even after you’re days on this earth or no more.
Never lose sight of the fact that we only get one time through this “life” thing. So let’s make a point to know ourselves and our cause as we continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!