Driving under the influence can get you a ticket to jail, but living under the influence can get you a ticket to living a great life.  Living under the influence of what, you may ask.  Well, it’s living under the positive influences of those that are around you daily.

To whom are you listening to and with whom are you associating with daily?  Are you choosing to invest most of your time with those who or positive, encouraging, uplifting and supportive, or have you become comfortable in the company of those who are discouraging, disgruntled, argumentative and pessimistic?  Your honest answer to this question will dictate whether or not you end up living a life fraught with stress, strain and heartache or a life of joy, happiness and fulfillment.

I invite you today to seriously consider being caught living under the “positive” influence in this life.  It’s never too late to start making it GREAT! 



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