When it comes to parenting and raising solid, respectful kids one of the most important words I’ve learned to say is “Yes”. 

As a father of four beautiful kids I must admit that years ago I used to spell “Love”, W-O-R-K and M-O-N-E-Y.  I used to be quick to say “No” when it came to doing the simplest of things with my kids like playing basketball or curb-ball or rough-housing.  I would justify my answer with the fact that I was “too busy”.  Well, thank God years ago I eventually realized that “too busy” was just a common scapegoat that demonstrates our real priorities in life. 

I’m happy to say that one glorious day I had the good-fortune of overhearing a conversation a couple of my kids were having with my wife and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that the most important thing is not how hard we W-O-R-K or how much M-O-N-E-Y we make, our kids spell “Love”, T-I-M-E. 

No wonder there are countless stories of multi-millionaires and billionaires the world over that have failed to create the proper bond and connection with their kids due to the lack of T-I-M-E invested with them.  The biggest factor in our kid’s lives is not the school teacher or the BFF or the babysitter or the TV or the video game.  The biggest factor in their lives should be YOU and your ability to say “Yes” to the time investment in the simple things that show them that they’re important. 

So, here’s a brief reminder for you today.  In this life we have many, many mistakes to make but we don’t have to make them all ourselves.  I invite you to learn from my mistake and take time to tune-out of the busyness that life can bring us and tune-in to those little ones around us both young and old.  And, remember we only get one time through this “life” thing.  No do-over’s on this one, so let’s get it right the first time through.

Be encouraged this week and be sure to say “Yes” as you choose to invest your T-I-M-E wisely with those who are counting on you to show them how to WIN.  The unfortunate reality is that most people won’t even have time to read this post today, “too busy”.  Hmmmm.  Don’t let it be you.

Let’s make it GREAT!


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