Was having a candid conversation at our favorite spot (The Rocket Shop) today with my mentor and good-friend Retired Two-Star General James T. Whitehead (I just call him Jim). He just returned from China where he was finally able to witness a dream of his finally becoming a reality. They just opened the first museum of its kind in China honoring the “Flying Tigers” of World War II.
“It was a goose-bump experience that I won’t soon forget.” he said as he smiled with pride. “I could only be so lucky to create something that leaves such an impact on this world as what you’ve been able to be a part of doing.” I said.
After hearing this he sat up in his chair, adjusted his glasses, leaned forward, looked me straight in my eyes and told me the following words that not only made my day, but also made my week month and maybe even year.
He said, “The achievements that I’ve accomplished can only go so far and last so long, but what you’re doing Cedric has to do with the mind and the planting of principles and philosophies and this my friend becomes like the pebble in the pond that creates a ripple that is capable of resonating far and wide through many families for generations to come.”
WOW!!! You’re right Jim. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of why what I do is impactful and important. Thanks Buddy. Your “What if” has now become your “What is” and I will definitely continue on my journey to Making it GREAT!
I just had to share…
So why do you do what you do? Do you need a mentor to remind you too? No need to answer the question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!