That’s right my friends, those who live their life feeling pressured to check all the boxes are setting themselves up for an additional amount of unnecessary heartache & heartbreak.
Yep, that’s right… Contrary to popular opinion, there is no “Perfect” life, there’s just “LIFE” and it’s fraught with unchecked boxes of imperfection.
So, NO you don’t have to get it right all the time. NO you don’t have to accept everyone else’s definition of success. And, NO you DON’T have to check all the boxes in this “Life” thing.
Just do your BEST and when you do “Your” Best, no thing and no one can ever make you a loser or less than.
Now get out there and Make it Great!!!
And, Yes it’s Ok to Share this if you Dare this… 😉
Come follow me on Instagram in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀