I’ve been thinking lately about what specific action would constitute the greatest of contributions this side of the universe. After some deep thought and major mulling over the topic, I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve come up with.
It seems to me that our biggest most significant contribution to this world won’t be something we buy or our money stacked high, neither will it be how much fame we gain or how much knowledge we obtain. And it won’t be how we played the big games or the big buildings that bare our names.
All of these things are great indeed, but there is no contribution greater than the person you positively inspire by your actions while your here. That person who was on the fence of life looking for just one more reason to throw in the towel, but because of your actions they’re now playing full-out in the ball-game of life. That person who because of your actions now has a new-found hope and belief that they can do great things in this world, and as a result, they’re now inspiring others to do the same.
Now this my friends is definitely the contribution that keeps on contributing. So a good question for you on this Fantastic Friday is, who are you inspiring by your actions? Hmmm…
Chew on this breadcrumb a bit and get out there and inspire someone else to make it GREAT! It’s never too late.
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com