I’d like to encourage any-and-everyone within eye and ear-shot of my written message today to continue to have patience and persevere through your storm embracing the thought that one day you will be able to leverage your storm-story for the good of inspiring someone else to believe that they can overcome too.
Please understand that in your moments of struggle and despair that you have not been unfairly singled out. Yes even the greatest among us all have had to at one-time-or-another walk this challenging path and endure pain and hardships from time-to-time. For the great ones understand that such things are a prerequisite for success in any noble and just endeavor.
So a great question today is, are you on a path in pursuit of greatness in your area? Is your daily walk in the direction of significance for the greater good. Does everything you hold dear splinter and spoke out from a center core that truly desires to serve others at the highest and best level of your God given ability? Hmmm…
Yes my friends the potent cocktail mixture of Passion, Persistence, Perseverance, Perspiration and Patience when mixed properly can make even the wildest of dreams reality in due time. Keep striving to know better, be better and do better in the days ahead and leverage your story to inspire others to believe that they can too.
Be Patient and Persistent and let the process work itself through and let’s all continue in our efforts to make this good life, GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com