The most important words and phrases in most contracts can usually be found written in fine print at the bottom of the page. After thoroughly reviewing the contract of life I’ve discovered that the fine print on one of the pages states the following:
“Whoever wants to become great among the masses must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave. You were created to be free but do not use your free-will to take advantage or harm and abuse and enslave others, but use it to serve others in love.”
Furthermore, in order to win at the game of life you must understand how to score points and one of the ways to score big points is to use the most important words spoken in any language. The following words carry the most point value: “Thank You”, “Please”, “I’m Sorry” and “I Forgive You”. They don’t sound like much but when used properly they can make a huge difference in the game of life. So, be sure to use them honestly and often and light up the score board.
As I’ve always said, we only get one time through this “life” thing so let’s continue in our best efforts to make it GREAT!
(All points are ONLY redeemable in the hereafter.
Contest rules never change. Children under 18 are
admitted without parents and this offer isn’t void
where prohibited.) Thanks for playing the game. 🙂
My Book: Make it GREAT