I think the late great, blind crusader Helen Keller said it best when she said “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Wow! I wish I would’ve come up with that one but she beat me to it over 100 years ago. LOL…
I must admit that over my lifetime my observation of human behavior has brought me to the same realization. Most people appear to be what I call “sight-rich” but “vision-poor”, so they struggle to see what “could be” because they’re stuck-on staring at what “is”.
I’d like to encourage you this week to NOT let this be you. My favorite book says, “Where there is NO VISION the people will perish.” So, what do you see in your not-so-distant future? No need to answer this question here, just make sure your vision is crystal clear.
Remember that what’s focused on most develops in the host, so don’t be so easily distracted by what you see with your physical eyes right now. Focus today and every day on a positive vision for your tomorrow and prepare to have your déjà vu moment in the sun after you’ve managed to Make it GREAT!!!
And of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉