I was driving my kids to school not long ago and I noticed a couple of motorcycle cops hiding behind some bushes and I suddenly had one of my “hallelujah moments of clarity.”  As a result, I now have a new metaphorical definition of Fear:   Fear is a well disguised motorcycle cop hiding in the bushes of life waiting to pull-over and arrest unsuspecting individuals attempting to speed outside their comfort zone.  Most people may believe that FEAR stands for “Forget Everything And RUN!”  But we’re not “Most People”.  We know that FEAR is just “False Evidence Appearing Real.” Our radar detection of awareness gives us a form of diplomatic immunity.  

I’ve recently started to see more and more of the popular “No Fear” brand on t-shirts and billboards around town, but I choose an alternate statement.  My statement is, “Got Fear, but doing it anyway”.  I’ve learned that fear can actually be a good thing in that it promotes preparedness and sparks adrenaline.  So we must choose to embrace this “Fear” thing. 

We understand that we succeed not because we have no fear, we succeed because we continue to act in spite of our fear.  So, speed-on out of that comfort zone quickly and continue to conquer that ominous four letter word with the comfort in knowing that all the best things in this life exist on the other side of FEAR.  Let’s continue to be bold as we attempt to make it GREAT!

My Book:        Make it GREAT


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